Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The baby birds have arrived!

Remember the story about the bird who build it's little nest in my front door bucket?? Well, yesterday I peeked in and found that the eggs had hatched and there were little birdies staring back at me! LOL... so cute. One of them has a seriously fro going on and it's just adorable!

Here are my little guys - 

The birds have arrived!

Look at his little Fro! *EEEEE* I love it!

    This one woke up and was like "FEED ME!"  lol


    Brenda's Wedding Blog said...

    these photos are absolutely precious. thank you for sharing them with us and putting a smile on my face. Hope they're not chirping too loudly for you :)

    Shannon Wermers said...

    You are so welcome! I'm so happy to hear it made you smile. =) They are really too cute and surprisingly not too loud. lol We can hear them in the morning wanting some food! ;)