Sunday, May 31, 2009

Happy Birthday!!

Okay, it was last month..... but I just now got around to editing and posting my little lady's 2 year portraits!! 

I can't believe how fast these girls grow! It's crazy.  Soon I will be 15 years older and wondering where the time went. This is why I cherish each day with them; laughing and play games, coloring and painting, having "dance sessions" (as my oldest would say) where we turn up the music and dance around the living room, cuddle on the couch w/ popcorn watching some kiddy movie and every night reading bedtime stories. These are the moments I cherish every day.....

Happy 2nd Birthday Audrey!! XOXXO

*Yes, she is showing me her chewed up mcnugget! what a kid!*
Want some "SEE-food?!"

*big sister w/ my shades on*



A little surprise out my front door.......

I have the CUTEST little birdie nest inside my hanging flower bucket on my front door! I can't believe it!! There is no telling how long it has been there, but a few days ago we stumbled upon this little home. =)  A family of Finches have built their little love nest and soon there will be little baby birds. I'm so excited to see the little guys! 

Just had to share this with you guys! So funny. 

Finch Nest in my Front Door Bucket!


Thursday, May 21, 2009

~ Baxter Wedding ~

I only have these three words to describe this wedding - Elegant, Graceful and Gorgeous! On Saturday, May 16th; Steve and Denise were united in front of God and their guests in a magical setting over looking the golf course! It was magnificent. When the ceremony was finished....... I promise there wasn't a dry eye! *including myself!!* Anyone who knows me..... I don't tear up easily. =) lol 

These two are sooooo in love! It was literally oozing from them!! It was so sweet to see and you couldn't help but *gush* with them. =)  The ceremony was spectacular, the weather was fabulous, the reception was a blast and the best part was watching them walk into the down pouring of Lavender seeds that showered them! It was fantastic! 

Congratulations *Mr. & Mrs. Baxter*!!! Wooohoooo!!! I am so blessed and honored that I was able to share your day with you. To take those memories and make them last for eternity! I hope you had a great vacation and many wonderful and blissful years ahead. =)

It was so hard sticking to just a few photos ----- so, I kinda went crazy w/ posting all of these!! lol Enjoy!

Groom watching his Bride coming down the aisle

Lady bug on Bride's dress!!! *Lady bugs are good luck!!* already off to a good start. ;)


Shannon Wermers

Kudos to:

Adonna's Bakery and Cafe *Cake*

Special Occasions *Flowers*

Sandee Paradisi *DJ*

Bonney Hanson *Catering*

The Peterman av group *Videographer*