Sunday, November 30, 2008

To Eat or Not To Eat?!?! ..... That is the question!

In the beginning there was a photographer yearning to be fit…………

Hi! I’m Shannon and I am a foodaholic…. lol ;)  No really, I don’t know anyone who cannot pass by a chocolate filled candy bowl and not grab one - or a handful, or has two or more sodas a day! =)  Well, that about sums me up right there. I LOVE chocolate, ice-cream, Italian food, Bread (all carbs in general - especially PIZZA), and soda. This will be a challenging time, but I know that with having such awesome people to join in this crusade with - I CAN and WILL do this.

A little about why I need to do this - I had two babies back to back. They are 16 months apart - and believe me - it did a number to my flat stomach! Yep, that’s right!! No more bikini beach moments for me; unless it’s a “tank-kini”. I want to fit into my jeans without that unfashionable “muffin top”!! Some of you know what I’m talking about….uh huh…. yep, when your belly bellows over the top of your jeans - like on a muffin!!! Ick… lol.

Here are my Stats (in the narrator voice of the Sports Channel dude  haha) 

Height: 5′ 1 1/2″  (YES! That 1/2 inch is VERY important!. lol) ;)
Weight: 148 lbs
% Body Fat: 24%

(This part will be coming soon)


Belly: (at the biggest part)
Waist size: (for pants)

Goal - Is to drop 24 lbs and get super toned. =) I have to get rid of this MUFFIN TOP!!!!!!!!

Well, thanks for taking time out to read all my rambling! lol   Give me some feedback throughout this journey!! Oh and come back and check out some “awesome” before photos - it’s sure to get you to smile or laugh…either way it might make your day. =)

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