Thursday, November 27, 2008


Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!

I hope that everyone has enjoyed their Turkey Day?! It was a beautiful day filled with great friends, fried turkeys, pies and watching the kids play. I couldn't have asked for a better day. I literally am in a food coma and no matter how stuffed I am - I still want to eat more?! Why is that?? It must be programed into the whole Thanksgiving holiday. Who knows?? lol.

Good luck to all who will brave the black Friday rituals! Watch out for those who will snatch the "last item available" out of your cart - yes - this does happen. Sad, I know......but true. Have a great evening and a wonderful tomorrow.

Stay tuned for my journey to "getting fit in four months" along with some amazing fellow photographers. We will be eating right, working out and blogging about our successess, and our moments of weakness - basically the good, the bad and the ugly!! lol.. It will be a lot of fun to see how we are faring through it all. And hey! Why not join us?? See how much you can transform in a few months - whether it's loosing weight, toning up or both! =) It will be a great time, so keep checking in because we are starting on Monday!!!! Wooohoooo.....



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