Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Day 3 - Dieting Temptations!

So, as many of you have read by now - I am starting a diet! Yippee... and especially right before the Christmas holiday. All those chocolates, fudge, pies, cakes, candies....must I go on?!  lol  This is why I HAVE to get my workouts going strong, so that I may have some of those things without gaining 10 pounds. ;)

Today has been pretty good! Went to the gym and boy did it feel sooooooo good to stretch!  I Did some cardio and worked on legs! Even though my legs were still sore from working out the other day. lol  Today was a good day.

Breakfast - 1 bowl of Oatmeal, cup of coffee and water

Lunch - Turkey and cheese

Dinner - Grilled Chicken Wrap

Loads of water today.... I feel like I'm pregnant again; having to go every 10 minutes!! hehehe..

Temptations!!! I took the girls to Chic Fil A tonight and while they were gobbling down waffle fries, chocolate milk and those tasty battered and fried chicken nuggets; I was scarfing down my grilled chicken wrap - and I ate a couple of fries *eeekk* but I did have Diet Coke Caffeine Free...which I have done really good about now having soda. Go me!! lol

On another note -
I have a session booked for Saturday with a great family! I am so excited to meet them!! So, stay tuned for some of their session sneak peeks!

Good night!


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