Monday, December 8, 2008

Cans for comments!! This is an amazing Food Drive!

Hi gang!

So many photographers are doing this! It's such an awesome idea, so I thought I would jump aboard. 

Christmas (and Thanksgiving too!) is such a giving time of the year; so many things to be thankful for - healthy friends and family, job prosperity, a roof over my head, food in my mouth and so on. =)  Unfortunately, there are many who are without during these times and well, sometimes throughout the entire year. 
This really hurts my feelings! Cans for comments was started by a fantastic photographers -  Chris and Lynn @ and so many since then have joined this cause!

For every comment made on my blog - I will donate a canned good to our local food bank; Bay Area Food Bank. 

Please help us - help others by commenting on our blogs!  I will be posting links to my fellow participating photographers!! Let's do this!!!!!!

*If you would like to donate to this charity or would like to drop off your canned goods - please drop me a line.

Thank you!

Here are some of the amazing photographers that are participating -


Anonymous said...

Yay! Every new blog I see joining in makes me smile like a loon... we're going to feed so many people at this rate!

Thanks for joining in... and add a can for me! :)

Anonymous said...

This is so great. So many people are doing it. :)

samunwritten said...

Yay for cans for comments! We're on board too!

John Heil Photography said...

awesome to see so many folks on the can wagon!! throw a can in for me please :) said...

me too! a can for me please!! Thanks!

Jennifer Likes said...

Hi Shannon! Great idea!

Ceece said...

Here's one more!

Anonymous said...

Wish you lived closer to take photo shoots of my kids! Donate donate!
Christie Thien

Christi said...

I think it is great you're donating food... add one for me! ;-)

Christina said...

You rock!!!! Thanks for helping out charity!!!!