Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Justin & Laura ~ The Henry Wedding

Congratulations Justin and Laura!!!

It was a beautiful ceremony with a gorgeous bride and handsome groom to join as one. Laura was just exquisite and just a ball of happiness! Loved it! I have never met a bride that was all about helping everyone else out, seriously! Laura and I quote "I need to do something!" lol She was a hoot. Justin was a ball! Him and his guys were fun and that little ring bearer, Danny, what a kid! Watch out Mom - you have a ladies man on your hands!! hehee ;) No really, he was the cutest little ring bearer and a complete ham (He was totally giving a 'thumbs up' during the ceremony! ahahha) Awesome!

Thank you so much for choosing me to be apart of your special day! Many blessings upon your marriage!!

Here is your sneak peak!

This is Grandma holding her pearls for Laura to wear on her big day! =)
Grandma and her pearls for the Bride!

The Cutest Ring bearer!

Seeing her walk in!
The Henry Wedding!!!

Father and Bride!!


The "thumbs up" from our little man.... hehe so cute!
Thumbs up during ceremony! hahaha

So funny!

The Henry's

Table center piece
Table arrangement

First Dance

The Rings

Shannon Wermers
SW Photography
Niceville, FL Wedding Photographer

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