Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Great Pumpkin!

Pumpkin patch here we come!!

I took the girls out to our local pumpkin patch today.  It is my youngest (18 months) first time to one and the third time for our oldest (2 1/2). Daddy was working late, so the girls and I jumped into the car and off we went.

As soon as Cadence saw a hint of orange balls she yells, "MOMMY!! Pumpkins!!" "Audrey, see the pumpkins?!!" She is too funny. We pulled in, jumped out and off the girls went running to the first line of pumpkins. Audrey was all about touching and "trying to eat them" I think she was amazed!! Cadence was all about rolling them on their sides! Goofballs. =)  I took some photos of them, but they weren't having too much fun with me hounding them to "look at me!! Smile!!!" So the few pics I got were of them looking at the pumpkins. 

Cadence picked out the biggest on out there and Audrey wanted the small ones. So, we took home 1 large, 1 medium and 2 "baby" pumpkins. Tomorrow we will make Jack-O-Lanterns! Hooray!

Too much fun! I love this time of the year!!!

p.s. It's time to bust out that Charlie Brown movie. =)

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